6 Beautiful Reasons To Love Sulfate-Free Shampoos By Hair Salon Broome Call Us On 08 9192 1432
We all love a shampoo that lathers and lathers. If feels luxurious and oh, so good for your hair. Right?
Well, sadly, no. The manufacturers of hair care products have duped us. All that lather is just a cheap thrill and lots of extra money in their pockets.
The ingredient used to create all those suds is Sodium Lauryl Sulfate (SLS). Manufacturers love it because it’s very cheap. That means more profits for them.
And what do you get in return?
If you’ll go to the PubMed library, you will find 16,000 studies that prove this chemical is toxic to the human body, including your hair. SLS dries out your scalp and hair, causes hair loss, scalp irritation, frizzies, and rapid deterioration of chemical hair treatments like colour and hair straightening.
And that’s just your hair! SLS also affects your liver and kidney functions, and interferes with hormonal regulation.
Not what you were expecting from a shampoo? Then make the intelligent and healthy choice. Switch to sulfate-free shampoos. Here’s what you get:
Reduced irritation – Sulfates are irritants. Without it, irritation visibly reduces within the first few uses.
Good for colour-treated hair – Sulfate-free shampoos reduce colour fading. If you want your colour to last longer, go sulfate-free!
Reduces dryness of the scalp – Sulfates strip the natural oils in your scalp. Get relief when you switch to a sulfate-free shampoo.
Hair loss – You shed about 100 hairs each day. When sulfates attack these empty hair follicles, they are absorbed by the follicle, resulting in brittle, highly breakable, and dull hair.
Reduces the frizzies – Who doesn’t want this? Without sulfates to dry out both your hair and your scalp, you get hair that feels healthier, shinier and softer.
Reduces the occurrence of grey hair – Remember, SLS is found in laundry detergents. Without it, hair isn’t stripped of its colour so quickly.
Don’t waste another minute. Talk to us about our sulfate-free shampoo line today!
6 Beautiful Reasons To Love Sulfate-Free Shampoos By Hair Salon Broome Call Us On 08 9192 1432