Ah, highlights! They can achieve so much with just a little colour. How? The key is where your stylist places the colour.
The brightest and fattest highlights should be placed right around your face. (We don’t call them face-framing highlights for nothing!) This will bring out your bone structure and give a more youthful look.
To give your hair added depth and dimension, highlights should vary in size, lightness, and accent your base colour. Highlights should never overpower your base colour!
And they should always compliment your hair tone. For example, if you have a warm shade, then your highlights should also be warm. A cool base calls for sandy or beige highlights.
Remember, highlights should also be adjusted for the seasons. We’ll make them brighter and paler for summer because you’re outside more and the sun casts a more yellow light.
For winter, highlights go deeper and more golden because the sun is casting a bluer light.
We’ll always match your highlights with your natural skin tone. We never want you to look washed out! Our rule is to never go more than three levels lighter than your base colour.
Finally, take care of your highlights and your hair! Always condition your hair and deep condition once each week.
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