The One Question Men Over 40 Don’t Want To Hear By Hair Salon Broome Call Us On 08 9192 1432
Women aren’t the only ones that hate going gray. Lots of men take offense, too, And while a little gray is sexy, a lot of gray adds years.
No wonder women spend hours in a salon. We, on the other hand, have just generally put up with going gray.
Finally, we don’t have to. Camo Color is the world’s first professional hair color for men. Unlike the over-the-counter box color, you’ll never have to worry about turning your hair a lovely shade of orange or green.
Camo Color doesn’t change the natural color of your hair, either. It simply camouflages the gray—all in 10 minutes.
It’s also very discreet. You won’t walk out of our shop looking like you’ve had shoe polish applied. The change is subtle. With each treatment, we can build the level of coverage so that no one really notices that you are covering your gray.
We also like the fact that it’s good for your hair. Camo Color adds shine and strength. You really can’t beat that.
There are also no telltale lines of new hair growth. Instead, it fades gradually in 4 weeks, just in time for your next haircut.
So you’ll never hear the dreaded question, “Did you color your hair?”
Won’t happen.
If you’re ready to take off a few years without drawing unnecessary attention, call us today.
The One Question Men Over 40 Don’t Want To Hear – Call Us On 08 9192 1432